
A Brief History Of Integrated Fridge In 10 Milestones

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작성자 Barrett
댓글 0건 조회 22회 작성일 24-02-07 17:19


Choosing an Integrated Fridge For Your Kitchen Remodel

An integrated fridge sits close to your counter and cabinetry and blends seamlessly into the kitchen design. With panel-ready options and inset handles, they also provide an increased degree of customization.

Many homeowners choose an integrated refrigerator Fridges & Freezers over a separate one because of these features. This style of fridge can be a bit limiting.


Integrated fridge-freezers are flush with the kitchen cabinetry and give a sleek appearance that looks like a continuation of the cabinets. This makes them ideal for modern and country cottage kitchens. There are a few things to take into consideration before buying an integrated refrigerator.

The size is a key aspect to take into consideration. Integrated refrigerators are available in various widths to fit different kitchen sizes. They also stand higher than freestanding refrigerators so you can store more food items without having to buy a second.

Another factor to consider is the depth. While integrated fridges are deeper than counter-depth refrigerators, freestanding refrigerators are typically counter-depth. The range of storage options is limited because they won't fit into all kitchen cabinets.

In the end, you should take into account the door's style. Integrated refrigerators can be fitted with either a fixed hinge or a sliding hinge model. This is important as it affects how the refrigerator doors open and close. It is also important to decide if you want a 50:50 or 60/40 split, as this will determine how much space is allocated to the freezer and fridge sections.


There are a variety of styles of kitchen refrigerators available on the market today. Certain refrigerators feature a distinctive color or panel, while others feature a sleek design that blends into the other decor. If you're looking for an elegant style, an integrated or built in fridge may be right for your home. Our team at Spencer's TV & Appliance is here to help you locate the perfect integrated refrigerator for your kitchen remodeling.

Integrated refrigerators are designed to sit right in the middle of your cabinets, making them the perfect option for those looking to create a unified kitchen aesthetic. They come with a door panel that matches your cabinetry, which means you won't be able to know where the refrigerator's finish and the cabinets begin. They're also a great choice for those who have small kitchens or living spaces that are open, because they help declutter the space and keep it feeling streamlined.

The most popular type of integrated fridge is a refrigerator with a bottom freezer. This type of refrigerator lets you store larger items such as meat, fish and vegetables without sacrificing valuable storage space. It also has a middle bonus drawer that can be used for wine storage or for storing the charcuterie board prior to a visit. The drawer is equipped with a separate temperature control that allows you to adjust the temperature to your preferences.

The French-door style is another popular integrated refrigerator. This type of refrigerator has an elegant stainless steel finish that can be matched to the kitchen cabinets. This is a fantastic choice for modern homes. It features a no-handle front door that gives it an air of luxury. You can also personalize your refrigerator Fridges & freezers by choosing different colors and finishes.


Integrated refrigerators are integrated into the fridge housing or existing cabinetry of your kitchen creating a seamless look without any forward protrusions. These kinds of refrigerators are sought-after by homeowners who want to create a modern and luxurious look for their kitchens. They conceal the appliance from view. They also provide a quieter, more efficient way to cool your food items than freestanding refrigerators.

You can pick from a range of storage options like 50:50 models, which offer equal fridge and freezer space that allows you to store everything from fresh produce and leftovers to frozen meats and ice cream. You can also choose 60/40 splits or 70/30 models that have more fridge space as well as a smaller freezer.

Many integrated fridges have an additional drawer to store meat and fish at 0°C to improve its preservation and increase its shelf lifespan. There are also a variety of fruit and vegetable drawers that can be controlled by humidity to ensure that fresh food items stay fresh and healthy.

Certain models have a "frozen compartment' that protects food from freezing and frost. This type of appliance is ideal when you love baking and freezing, or cooking from scratch and want to make sure that your home-cooked creations last as long as you can.

Another handy feature is the ability to add a separate 'freezer drawer that can be used for large platters, bowls and containers for takeaway food. This will protect your food from Spacious 99L Black Chest Freezer with Adjustable Thermostats damage and cut down on the frequency of defrosting.


Unlike freestanding fridges integrated refrigerators aren't easily moved when you renovate your kitchen or move. They are integrated into the kitchen cabinets and are designed to match the the decor of your home.

This kind of fridge is often used in stylised kitchens or in homes that require a luxurious modern design. The fridge is hidden behind doors for cabinets constructed from wood or brushed steel to blend in with the decor. The integrated fridge can also be paired with smart home apps that allow your refrigerator and other appliances to communicate with each other, respond to commands and become part of a bigger home control system.

Despite their attractive appearance, integrated refrigerators have some disadvantages. They are, for one, likely to be more expensive than freestanding fridges & freezers (https://www.frydge.uk/products/portable-mini-fridge-cooler-warmer-6-can-capacity). This isn't due to superior mechanical systems or performance. It's because integrated fridges are targeted towards a premium market, who are willing to pay more for the upscale design.

Installing an integrated refrigerator can be expensive due to the need for modifications to your kitchen. This could include cutting out or removing any fillers that might be in the way and installing a bridging cabinet above the fridge to allow for the door frame. Additionally, integrated refrigerators tend to be taller than freestanding models and can create a gap that is unsightly on the top of your cabinetry. You may need to add an overhang to cover the gap. This makes it more visually pleasing. This isn't a problem for those who are content with keeping your fridge where it is, but it's something to consider if are planning to change your kitchen layout in the future.


Integrated fridge freezers cost more than freestanding models because of their sleek design and permanent installation. This is due to the use of cooling technology that allows them to fit in a small space and also due to the fact that many homeowners will spend more money for refrigerators with a classy appearance that doesn't clash with their kitchen style. They also require more professional installation than other refrigerators. This can add significant cost to the final cost.

Refrigerators with integrated freezers also offer better energy efficiency. Because the exterior of these models are hidden, they are well-insulated to keep cold air inside, which results in less temperature fluctuations and less energy consumption. In addition, because doors are set, they do not protrude from the cabinetry. This can give an impression of space and a feeling of openness inside.

The freezer area of an integrated fridge is typically smaller than the one is found on standalone models but it can still offer plenty of storage space to store fresh food items and frozen items. A majority of integrated fridge models feature 50:50 splits, which provide equal storage space for refrigeration and freezing.

cookology-ccfz142bk-freestanding-142-litre-capacity-chest-freezer-for-outbuildings-garages-and-sheds-features-a-refrigeration-mode-temperature-control-and-4-star-freezer-rating-in-black-243.jpgUltimately, the advantages of an integrated refrigerator are immense. They provide a seamless appearance that blends into custom cabinets, which help to create a more harmonious kitchen layout. They also offer superior storage capacity and flexibility, and can be fitted with a range of features that enhance the functionality. As a result, it's not a surprise that they've been a top option for luxury appliances buyers today. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of each prior to making a decision.


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